Internet Of Things : Exercises & Project

Ziyan's IOT Gallery

This page contains exercises and projects done for Internet Of Things, enjoy!

Arduino exercises

4.1: LED Light
4.2: Light Switch
4.3: Digital Switch

4.3: Digital Switch Video
4.4: RGB Pot Image
4.4: RGB Pot Image 2

4.4: RGB Pot Image 3
4.5: Piezo Pot
4.6: Servo Potentiometer

4.6: Servo Potentiometer Vid
(optional) 4.7: Photoresistors
(optional) 4.9: lcd screen

LOT Project

This project is meant to be a sort of little game like a stickman jumping over obstacles to gain as much points as possible, which unfortunately, I was not able to complete. The purpose is to entertain people through enjoying the fun of the activity as if they were playing a game on their phone. The challenges I faced during the work of this project were the coding part in order to make the game work properly, to display the character and obstacles on the screen, and choosing the right things to construct my game. I watched videos on YouTube to figure out what materials to use and also copied some bits of the codes that was provided which still didn't make it work. I think if I had more time, I would spend more work on the coding part, do way more research than I did before, and learn more about how exactly the game functions work instead of just choosing one randomly. At least I got the materials part done, so I am not too upset but I would have loved to make the game work on its own as it was the main idea and the hardest task.

Project Image
Project video
Arduino Code

This is an additional "project" that I made beforehand in case if my main one didn't work (I just decided to include it because I wasn't sure if I would be allowed to have an unfinished project) which is pretty much based on the LED lights exercise. This work has a sort of pattern already set to the colored lights, so they turn on in a particular order everytime (from red light to yellow) and then it turns off in the opposite order. This work is also for entertainment purposes and I thought it fits well for the christmas theme as they kind of look like chrismas lighting, just something random.

A Working Project
Project video
Arduino Code


The capiskill that I chose is PD 2.1 - Identify the decision (PD.2 Make Informed Decisions) because I feel like sometimes I have trouble making decisions and to decide which one I should focus more on.

I believe I am more around level 2 and I think I should work more on thinking properly about my decisions and which one would benefit me more or would be easier, instead of panicking over multiple options that I have in mind.

Like for example in the arduino project, I had multiple choices/things in my mind that I would have loved to use. Although, I couldn't really decide what to use and when to apply since I wasn't sure if it would be difficult for me or not.